Book about Parent Psychology

Book about Parent Psychology – Learn how to understand and your help your child develop coping skills &  resolve the conflicts.

The Enigma of Childhood is a book about parent psychology that delves deep into the psychology of a child, which has such a powerful hold on adult life as parents. The book is about the ongoing relationship of a child with their parents and how they can learn from their own early childhood experiences to resolve the conflicts that arise due to various differences or in other words the otherness.

Like romantic relationships, the relationship between a child and his parents goes through various phases. Unlike the adult relationship, the sharing and giving of love is much simpler and easy with the child. With a child, parents are already aware of the needs and hence don’t need to decipher what their child actually need. But, like any other relationship, the relationship between a child and the parents is also governed by the otherness and separateness at all times.

A child’s constant need for attention and love from his or her parents arises from the sense of similarities that continues through a few more years. However, as an adult when the same child like need for refueling of love surfaces, there can be clashes and emotional injuries. The book analysis as to why a loving relationship between a parent and child can sometimes take a different course. The challenges of keeping the “I” and “You” on the same page without being insensitive to other’s need can only be overcome by understanding the deep child psychology of need for love, assurance and familiarity. The book presents the factual observations that can help understand and preserve the basic love relations despite the otherness.

The Enigma of Childhood addresses the early psychology and biological behavior of a child to help parents understand and consolidate the individuation and autonomy in the child and develop a proximity or closeness. It’s a book about parent psychology that helps understand the similarities and natural affection that bring together parents and the child, which can be threatened by the dissimilarities that often give rise to conflict, rage, anger and differences.

The author invites the readers and parents to this adventurous journey into childhood psychology to solve the enigma of childhood.

From The Author

I would like to invite you to delve right in and explore the enigma of the art of couplehood and happiness. You may find you are one of those people who succeed in the practice of this universal art, or alternatively, discover you may resist it, unwittingly blemishing or spoiling your relationships with your children or spouse, or even with your coworkers, when part of a team.

In my book, however, I wish to elucidate why it is so complicated to maintain a satisfying relationship, and how couplehood is an art, which, starting in infancy, continues throughout life in numerous shapes and variations.

Each partner hopes to fulfill his own familiar ‘brand’ of bonding in the relationship, often forgetting that his (or her) partner comes equipped with other nuances of bonding that may guide their needs. Thus, each is attracted to the familiar aspects he sees in his or her partner, yet resists their otherness. This tension between “I” and “You” accounts for why people who love each other (e.g., parents and children) have so many clashes, provoking emotional injury or even rage, their incompatibilities often threatening to destroy their love relations. The special capacity to preserve the basic love relations despite the otherness (an existential given) is what I mean by the art of couplehood.